Bible Study on Nehemiah: Nehemiah 1
Nehemiah 1: Bible Study on Prayer. Introduction Nehemiah's key to success to start his mission was the power of pray. From his pray we could see that he believed more in God than international political situation that supported his mission. In that time, Egypt was an enemy for Persia Empire. Judea province that closed with Egypt was important for Persia. So, it would give benefits for Persia to maintain good relationship with Jews. Of course, Nehemiah knew this political situation, but he still prayed before he asked for Artaxerxes' permission. We will study the powerful pray that Nehemiah did, so we could follow his example. Questions Guide: 1. Do you see Nehemiah’s concern to his nation and Jerusalem (verse 2)? Explain! What were things that stimulated his concern(verse 9 and 10)? 2. What kind of concerns that were shown by Nehemiah when he heard bad news about his nation and Jerusalem (4)? What was the relationship between his concern with his action to pr...